Well, another summer of “sticker shock”… Yes, fellow Disney fans, that means the inevitable increase in the price of admission to theme parks. You can Google about it and find all kind of reasoning as to the continuing increase. Some from inside and some…
You probably know the question already. “Why have we stopped?” The answer? Complicated. It is no surprise that the one area that travelers consistently rate lowest when it comes to satisfaction is communication by the carriers. The whole process of keeping people informed…
150 years ago. In a small Pennsylvania crossroads. A place called Gettysburg. It neither sought fame or glory, yet both came there in early July of 1863. Over 57,000 men were listed as casualties (killed, wounded or captured) of the battles that took…
Well to hear Steven Spielberg and George Lucas tell it, things are looking rather grim. There may some merit to the message, but it should not be news to anyone. For example, the traditional methods of delivery for entertainment is indeed changing. Everything…
I could be wrong. In fact, I hope I am. But based on past performance, I tend to see a certain masked man bringing disappointment to the box office this summer. Let us be honest. The last time movie audiences saw the story…