In the months since I took a hiatus from writing now and then, a few changes have taken place. First and foremost, we moved out of the duplex we had rented for the last 17 years and into storage. Hopefully a temporary condition, but…
Continuing from where we left off last time… Over the years, I have been exposed to writing on several projects. In 8th grade, I ventured into the newspaper world through the school newspaper. In high school, I bypassed the school paper but did take…
Here we go again… sailing around the bend. After an absence of some time filling this space with shared items and occasional news bits, I decided to take up residence at the keyboard once more. I will not promise to tell all about the…
It’s been a hectic month! New hosting of the web pages along with other changes. All in all, it means new content being shared here shortly. A bit of this and that, with some Disney stories, Western history, and even some Tiki! Stay tuned…
It has taken me a while to sit down and write this. A good friend and cohort of many misadventures passed away last month after a short illness. In many ways, it just does not seem like he is gone. But Ed Mackinson left…