No, I have not rung up the choir invisibule.
Not a dead parrot, yet.
Just enjoying a well deserved break from the Internet and environs, if you must know.
As for the Internet, is not that what it is all about anyway? Exaggeration, that is. You know, get it first. Don’t get it right.
The joys of it all.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch… I guess today marks the last of the tributes to the Golden Horseshoe Review at Disneyland. And if all goes well, the new Princess Fantasy Faire opens in March. Here’s hoping that the new President of the place has a few more fresh ideas up his sleeve. We the guests could use a few. When it comes to Limited Time Magic, there should be more throwbacks to days gone by at the Park. I’m for using the Big Thunder Ranch to host a weekend that honors Native Americans. Disneyland had quite a history with performances at the old Indian Village. Would be great to see some memories old and new made in homage.
Super Bowl, come and gone. Nice to see the referees asleep as usual. Sure they didn’t have the replacements working the game? And talk about embarrassing… a 35 minute delay for lights out due to a surge protector. That poor place has seen it’s share of drama, hasn’t it. Commercials were a good crop this year. Doritos goat wins in my book. And a Budweiser is still a Budweiser, not matter what you put on the label.
Enjoyed the SAG awards. Nice touch with the life achievement award to Dick Van Dyke. And the best ensemble cast in a Drama going to Downtown Abbey. Speaking of which, so far a great season. Maggie Smith still gets all the best lines.
Life goes on… at least on this Monday.