Lest We Forget – Gettysburg



150 years ago. In a small Pennsylvania crossroads. A place called Gettysburg.

It neither sought fame or glory, yet both came there in early July of 1863.

Over 57,000 men were listed as casualties (killed, wounded or captured) of the battles that took place here.

Despite the horrendous loss of life on both sides, the War Between The States continued for two more bloody years. The results of which continue to be felt across the years. While slavery became the major issue of the conflict, the rights of individual states to decide policies within their own boundaries was a cause which lead to secession.

Men on both sides fought for their beliefs. Debated then and since. Many gave the fullest measure of their devotion to their causes. Proudly, I can say that I had ancestors who were at Gettysburg. Some who died there and one who was commended for his actions by both Union and Confederate forces during and after the battle in the care of wounded soldiers of both armies.

The photo above may have been taken at the National Cemetery in the Presidio of San Francisco. But the sentiment stands to remind us all.

Lest we forget.

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