The folks you’ll find here?


So, who is Roger and why does he do this? Fair questions, but not easily answered. It could be that as the oldest of five children, he is always looking to be the center of attention. It could also be that sharing information is a good form of therapy for whatever ails him. Either way, Roger has been online for a good while now. He was one of those folks on AOL back when it was an all Apple service and sees the day they let PC’s, not even Windows at that time, online as the beginning of the end for that service. Thanks to Jim Hill and Michelle Smith, he took up the siren call of a weekly column on a wide variety of topics. That eventually led him here and well, you decide on how things are going today...

Roger Colton, Editor/Webmaster

Leo’s a professional journalist - that mean’s he gets paid to report - by trade and a Disney fan by avocation. He’s a long time member of the Northern California Chapter of the NFFC (the National Fantasy Fan Club, a group of Disney enthusiasts). High on the list of his passions are collecting the diecast toys from Disney/Pixar’s “Cars”. If there’s a new one being released, he’s on the prowl!

Leo is also my co-conspirator on Facebook keeping tabs of the Friends of the Walt Disney Family Museum group.

Leo Holzer - Our Special Correspondent