Welcome Foolish Mortals...


Yes, there is a method to all of this madness.

That’s me on the right in the top hat.

Ignore the other two.


What’s all this, now then? Well, it’s popular culture, from the perspective of folks like those in the view above. Maybe not particularly cutting edge, but we hope that you will enjoy what we have to share with you. Among my own interests, Disney and all of the incarnations rank rather high, so you can expect a fair amount on that topic. I’m a film and television junkie so that will come into play as well. Being a child of the mass media age, that’s somewhat guaranteed. But we won’t stop there. Who knows where we will?

Look for a bit of everything from food and beverage to stops along the roads we may have travelled at some time or another. Might be a radio station that has an interesting playlist. Could be a slice of life that we just found amusing and thought that you would as well. As we collect a lot of stuff, you can expect to see some of it here from time to time. Maybe even a tale of how such stuff became collectibles or some stories about how it made the trip from concept to the marketplace. All things we hope that you will find as enjoyable to learn about as much as we enjoy bringing it to your attention.

So... Read on. If all goes well, here is what awaits you each week:

Mondays - Mousellaneous

Something from the many worlds of Disney. Could be theme parks, animation or collectibles! Maybe even something brand new...

Tuesday - Media, My Media.

A look at various media efforts. Could be the latest goodies on iTunes,  a review of a DVD title from my collection or even a glance at something from the stone age - the printed page!

Wednesday - Like You To Meet...

Maybe something new along the way that you might enjoy hearing about.

Thursday - Classic Roger

Out of the past, including an update and expanded photo coverage.

Friday - Ruminations

The return of Roger's weekly column, as last seen on Jim Hill Media. Something outside of all of the rest of the daily efforts and a bit more in-depth look at the subject.

Saturday/Sunday - Tide You Over

Anything that comes to mind that you might enjoy on the lighter side.

Recent changes? Yes, thank you... January 28th, 2010

If you’re looking for entries at the Blue Parrot from before 2009, check out the WABAC Machine! We’ve archived the site as part of some house cleaning.

Have you seen our Partner sites?

www.privatecarservice.net, www.fabrocks.com and wherethemagicbegins.com

Lots and lots of new links including some damn fine blogs!

Don’t forget the Cafe Press Store!

Now, all the things inquiring minds want to know.

Editor/Webmaster: Roger Colton

Contact Information:

email to roger@theblueparrot.info


While we will be adding partner links, we are not currently accepting solicitations for advertising.


All content is provided as is where is. By accessing the site you fully agree to the Terms of Use of the site. All images shown are from the collection of Roger Colton, unless otherwise noted. Images and text herein are the property of respective copyright holders and are used within fair use. The Blue Parrot is a project of Private Car Service.